Watch Ian grow

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 1, 2011


5 months!, I can't believe it. This month has been the biggest month for Ian so far, as far as growth and learning new things!  It seems like his mind grows and grows more and more everyday, and his personality is emerging at the same rate. Quiet at times, extremely sweet, and a total mama's boy. 

This month Ian:

Is going out more...he loves the outdoors...

started making more distinct vowel sounds...
can almost roll over completely...
loves to stand with assistance as much as possible...
likes to lie on his back and bring his feet to his mouth...
has mastered picking things up/reaching for things...
has gotten to the stage where we have to push things away from him, he will grab at everything...
takes 7 to 8 oz. of formula every three and a half hours (I tried to make it 4, but he is very demanding).
is getting more and more light brown hair 
loves to have his head rubbed while falling asleep 
still doesn't really like his Bumbo chair- is too active to want to sit still in it
smiles every time Jeremy or Erick comes near him
laughs very easily/smiles very easily

Ian loves watching himself in the mirror
he moves a lot while sleeping (like me!)
he already figure out a way to suck on his binky and his thumb at the same time!. 
He already suck on his toe as you may have seen in a previous post.

It melts my heart every single day. He's sleeping through the night waking up just once, very hungry and he will sleep again after his bottle. Last week he started waking up 2-3 times, because he was very colicky. Ian loves to sleep completely stretched out, arms and legs wide open most of the time, he loves his binky and I do too, it help him calm down while i made the bottle. 

He takes two to three naps a day, mostly two in his to three hours depending on his mood...he 

In other news, all he wants to do lately is moving a lot! He cant still stand any second!. He's such a mover and is on the verge of being able to crawl, once he figures it all out. He hates to be on his belly, but he tried very hard

Im working on baby yoga posses to help him stretched his legs and it supposed to helped his digestive system aswell.

Ian is also quite the babbler and lately has taken to screaming and squealing when he's happy. He loves to take walks in his carrier, and I've found that he likes that a lot more than his car seat because he can comfortably face out and take in so much action. He's so observant so unless he's super tired he prefers to face out.

I normaly make a collage every month, but...since my camera is not working well I dont have many photos this month!..

so here they's photos! enjoy. 

I am a proud momma and these pictures are too cute for words can you believe Ian is already 5 months old? Crazy! Time goes by fast!

It's funny because every new stage has been the "best one yet," and I can only imagine how much more fun this is going to get as he gets older and is able to communicate with me more and more. My heart just grows and grows every single day, and I cannot even begin to describe the joy that I feel being this little guy's mama.

So here's to you Ian, and here's to 5 months! I love you so much.

How could you not love this face?

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