Sunday, February 27, 2011
Chubby cheeks
Porque no consigo que se ria cada vez que le hago un photo shoot?
Igual serio me parece que es un bebe hermoso...a poco no se ve precioso?
Igual serio me parece que es un bebe hermoso...a poco no se ve precioso?
Siiii ya se...que culpa tiene mi bebe de que tenga la voz horrenda, pero aun asi le gusta y a veces hasta se duerme, como se nota que me quiere, en fin el top 10 de las canciones que mas le canto:
Siiii ya se...que culpa tiene mi bebe de que tenga la voz horrenda, pero aun asi le gusta y a veces hasta se duerme, como se nota que me quiere, en fin el top 10 de las canciones que mas le canto:
- You are my sunshine by Charles Mitchel and Davis
- Beautiful Boy by John Lennon (aunque yo le canto la version de Celine Dion...ya sabes por la parte de ..."your mommy is here")
- All the pretty little horses
- Hush little baby
- Love me tender by Elvis Presley
- Los tres cochinitos de Cri- Cri
- Amor chiquito de Cepillin
- Di por que? de Cri-Cri
- Never grow up by Taylor Swift
y pedazos de otras canciones que de repente me llegan a la mente, lo mas bonito de cantarle a mi bebe es que me hace recordar mi infancia...bueno eso es un plus porque ya de por si es tan bonito hacerlo para el...
Si al principio solo lullabies y musica instrumental ya sabes Mozart o Beethoven, hasta canticos...pero despues de escuchar Twinkle twinkle little star como 1000 veces y un paso a volverme loca, me decidi a cambiar un poco y encontre unos CDs increibles, es musica de varios artistas pero rendiciones de lullabies para bebes, esto es, la musica original de la cancion convertida en musica suave para bebes, ya tengo 3 y nos gustan mucho, asi las disfruta el bebe y yo tambien.
Aqui dos de los Cd's que tengo uno de Guns and Roses y otro de los Beatles
Super cool no?
Recien compre Pearl Jam (my little man is gonna be a rocker!!!)
Top 3 de algunos libros que le leo (no aparecen todos en la foto) la mayoria regalos de su tio Jer.
Los que mas me gustan:
TODOS pero los que mas leo...
Los que mas me gustan:
TODOS pero los que mas leo...
- Historias biblicas
- I love you through and through
- Este no es mi dinosaurio
- If you were my baby
25 cosas que han cambiado en mi vida desde que nacio Ian
1.- Los sacrificios que pensaba que uno hacia cuando tenia un bebe, ahora ya no me parecen sacrificios.
2. Respeto mas mi cuerpo ... finalmente.
3. Respeto mas a mis padres y ahora los amo de una manera diferente.
4. Me doy cuenta de que los dolores de mi bebe se sienten peor que los mios.
5. Creo una vez mas en las cosas que creia cuando era nina.
6. Mi corazon se rompe mucho mas facil.
7. Pienso en Ian 234,836,178,976 veces al dia.
8. Cada dia es una sorpresa.
9. Ciertas funciones del cuerpo ya no me parecen repulsivas, es mas hasta me alegran. (Hurra por la popo de bebe!)
10. Veo mas a mi bebe en el espejo que a mi misma.
11. Me volvi una persona mas madrugadora.
12. Mi amor se vuelve sin limites, como un poder superhumano.
13. Descubres que la verdadera alegria no proviene de las cosas materiales.
14. Prefiero comprar ropita de bebe, o jueguetes de plastico que esos zapatos por los que me moria tener.
15. Descubri que los chupones o pacifiers tienen poderes magicos.
16. Me di cuenta que mi cuerpo ha cambiado pero la razon del cambio ha valido la pena totalmente.
17. Descubri una fuerza interna que nunca pense que tenia.
18. Ya no dependo de un reloj, ahora mi bebe me pone un horario.
19. Aprendi que darse un bano es un lujo.
20. Descubri que existe el amor a primera vista y que te puedes enamorar facilmente de un completo extrano.
21. Tengo el deseo de querer que este mundo sea un lugar perfecto.
22. Me preocupo mas por mi espiritualidad.
23. Ahora veo mas caricaturas, aunque mi favorita siempre va a ser Bob Esponja.
24. Ya nada es mio. Ahora todo es de Ian.
25. Ya no tengo mas metas materialistas o personales en mi vida, veo a mi bebe y solo pienso en hacer todo perfecto para el, para cuidarlo y educarlo correctamente.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Favorite stuffed animal
It’s really funny and interesting to me how babies settled on some particular toys to become attached to. Although Ian is so little to do this yet, he just look like if he has already fell in love with this guy. It is truly adorable.
Ademas se ve super lindo en sus nuevos PJ's.
Ademas se ve super lindo en sus nuevos PJ's.
Cruzando el puente al hospital Infantil para el ecocardiogrmaa de Ian |
En la sala de espera con el tio Erick |
Tomando su presion |
Se dejo tomar muchas fotos de su corazoncito....muy bieeeen!!! |
So Ian's going to be 3 Months Old next week...just had to interrupt my editing and add this, as I was reading that it seriously gave me chills, how can it be that he's 3 months old already?... I will make a video for him every month, including pictures and videos. I've realized that the editing process takes me FOREVER because I seem to take WAY too much footage of my little angel I know I know there can never be too much. So this month I decided to slow it down a little bit, obviously I still have to take a thousand pictures of him with the hopes that maybe one or two wont be blurry or too shiny. But I realized as I was going through my camera's tonight that I didn't really take that much footage at none. It made me really sad. What was so different during the 3th month of his life where I decided to record? Nothing. And now that I've realized how guilty I feel of not recording his first days with random cute pictures or thousands of videos of me trying to get his cuteness on camera. I will definitely start recording as much as I can now. So here are a bunch of pictures I love...they're like the same day but...How can you say no to that cute little face?
Teddy bear
I love close ups!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Ian's first cold!
My baby's sick! I'm assuming he just caught my two day cold I had last week cause I'm around him 24/7. I had to take him to emergency room last saturday and today because de had fever and also a very very runny and stuffy nose which equals into him not being able to breathe out of his nose and therefore he wont sleep! He's so tired.
Here's some pictures of him getting medicine via nebul
He was very brave in the hospital...I got a strong kiddo on my hands!
Here's some pictures of him getting medicine via nebul
He was very brave in the hospital...I got a strong kiddo on my hands!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Windy day!
His very first Guess jeans btw
He already looks like a big lovie!
Estrenando el gorro que le regalo tia Sherry, aun le queda un poco grande pero se ve super cute!!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Confessions of a mom-aholic
Being mom is so hard!
There are feelings of failure when you are struggling with crying babies...I know Im addicted to my baby but this past week was a rough one!
Ian seemed to be crying (redintheface, cantcatchhisbreath, type of crying) every day, all day. Not gonna lie it sucked! It was so frustrating not being able to help him. I mean what you can do with a colicky baby right? Thankfully a bath and some swaddling, tummy time, and swinging were a quick fix for a moment of relief during his pain.
But then he curls on my chest after eating and fall sleep.
Moments like that make it all worth it!
There are feelings of failure when you are struggling with crying babies...I know Im addicted to my baby but this past week was a rough one!
Ian seemed to be crying (redintheface, cantcatchhisbreath, type of crying) every day, all day. Not gonna lie it sucked! It was so frustrating not being able to help him. I mean what you can do with a colicky baby right? Thankfully a bath and some swaddling, tummy time, and swinging were a quick fix for a moment of relief during his pain.
But then he curls on my chest after eating and fall sleep.
Moments like that make it all worth it!
My favourite baby blanket...
I want Ian to have a security blanket, just like Linus.
I just cant wait when he points at it and cries asking for his blinki...
Shhhh baby's sleeping!
SLEEP. I think I remember what that word used to mean. While I was pregnant, I was constantly told by other moms, "enjoy your sleep cause you won't be getting any for awhile." Now I know why...
It's night after night after night. It's 2+ months of waking up every morning thinking there's absolutely no way you can possibly get out of bed and fake like you're normal because you are, in fact, a ZOMBIE. It's eye cream and lots of under eye concealer, and coffee, and wishing you could take a nap and acting like you're hearing what people are saying to you.
Here's my sleep story with my sweet sweet baby: He is really colicky from about week 2 to this day, which means (in his case) that he basically cries like he is in pain anytime he is awake. I had him checked by a couple of pediatricians who basically just told me, "babies cry. this one obviously cries more than some." I feed him, change him, play with him, read to him, sing to him, tried the 5 S's, etc. What it came down to was that he needed to be held and walked pretty much all day every day, and sometimes he is still going to cry cry cry. Hence, my instantaneous loss of baby weight from pacing while carrying him for hours and hours a day.
I had a cradle and swing set up in the living room for him, it helps a lot, but whenever he has gasses or colic, he starts to cry, and needs to be held. Yes very exhausting, but, somehow I still think he's perfect, I must be his mom.
It's night after night after night. It's 2+ months of waking up every morning thinking there's absolutely no way you can possibly get out of bed and fake like you're normal because you are, in fact, a ZOMBIE. It's eye cream and lots of under eye concealer, and coffee, and wishing you could take a nap and acting like you're hearing what people are saying to you.
Here's my sleep story with my sweet sweet baby: He is really colicky from about week 2 to this day, which means (in his case) that he basically cries like he is in pain anytime he is awake. I had him checked by a couple of pediatricians who basically just told me, "babies cry. this one obviously cries more than some." I feed him, change him, play with him, read to him, sing to him, tried the 5 S's, etc. What it came down to was that he needed to be held and walked pretty much all day every day, and sometimes he is still going to cry cry cry. Hence, my instantaneous loss of baby weight from pacing while carrying him for hours and hours a day.
I had a cradle and swing set up in the living room for him, it helps a lot, but whenever he has gasses or colic, he starts to cry, and needs to be held. Yes very exhausting, but, somehow I still think he's perfect, I must be his mom.
Tiny details
Cada manana nuestra rutina es la misma, Ian se despierta susurrando en su cuna y voy a atenderlo. Usualmente me saluda con una sonrisota y con muchas palabritas de bebe. Le cambio el panal mientras me dice todos los detalles de sus suenos. Es muy platicador por las mananas! Asi que decidi hacer una pequena sesion de fotos ya que lo vi tan contento esta manana! Y este fue el resultado...un bonito collage. Espero que les guste! Yo disfrute mucho haciendolo!
Every morning, our routine is the same. Ian wakes up babbling in his crib and I go get him. He usually greets me with a big smile and a lot of gibberish! I change his diaper as he fills me in on all the details of his dreams! He is so talkative in the morning! So I decided to make some photoshoot since he was so happy this morning! This was the result a beautiful collage! Hope you guys like it! I enjoyed it so very much!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Estoy emocionada porque desde hace una semana que Ian ya sostiene una sonaja, lo empece a estimular a que la agarrara porque ya empezaba a querer agarrar los munecos que le cuelgan a su gym y lo logro! ay que listo mi nino...
Adicto al paci
Tengo muchas dudas con respecto a si debo dejar que use o no el pacifier, mucha gente me ha dicho que no lo permita, otros que no importa tanto, pero a el le gusta y lo mantiene contento cuando esta molesto asi que mientras el sea feliz pues adelante! Y entre que si o que no deba, de que se ve hermoso con su chupete se ve hermoso, amo esos chubby cheeks...
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